POST 5: My Future Job
In a couple of years, I imagine myself working in investigation journalism. I think it would be a wonderful and powerful job, because it could give me the chance to investigate political and social problems. I imagine this job as a very intense job, because investigate it implies to move, search and report a lot of peolple a places. I think it would be an outdoors job, because making journalism from the desktop its not a good idea. The essence of journalism its to stay in the streets and searching the truth, not to write about the world from the bedroom. I like to travel a lot in this job, arount the world and Chile. Know other cultures, realities and histories. As one of my favorites reportes, Ryszard Kapuscinki, I`d like to travel and be in the tornado eye. Also, I would love to complement my job with studies in sociology and history, to have a better perspective of the problems that I write and investigate.