
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

POST 5: My Future Job

  In a couple of years, I imagine myself working in investigation journalism. I think it would be a wonderful and powerful job, because it could give me the chance to investigate political and social problems. I imagine this job as a very intense job, because investigate it implies to move, search and report a lot of peolple a places.  I think it would be an outdoors job, because making journalism from the desktop its not a good idea. The essence of journalism its to stay in the streets and searching the truth, not to write about the world from the bedroom. I like to travel a lot in this job, arount the world and Chile. Know other cultures, realities and histories. As one of my favorites reportes, Ryszard Kapuscinki, I`d like to travel and be in the tornado eye.  Also, I would love to complement my job with studies in sociology and history, to have a better perspective of the problems that I write and investigate. 

POST 4: My Favorite TV show

  My favorite TV show its Succession. This is a very intense and smart TV program, that talk us about Roy´s family. This family, and specially his patriarch, Logan Roy, its the owner of one the biggest communications consortium: WayStar Roico companys. The plot revolves around the fight for the "throne" between Logan's sons: , Shiv -his only daughter-, Roman, Connor and Kendall, the principal character of the show. My favorite episodes are the last two of the second season: "DC" and "This is not for tears". I love this show because I think its a perfect combination of drama, love, family and businnes. It show us a very particular face of the stereotype of powerful and millonaries families that own the principal mass media in the world and Chile. As the audience says, its a combination of Sheakespeare and Wall Street. 

POST 3: A person I would like to meet

  In my life, I would like to meet a lot of famous persons: writers, social fighters, poets and extensive list of etceteras. But there is one person that I considered very special in my life and for the chilean culture: Hernán Rivera Letelier.  Hernán Rivera Letelier its a chilean writer, born in the Pampa on the north of Chile. He lived his childhood surrounded of labor exploitation, poverty and her father´s hardwork example. In this epoch he learned about culture, people and history of the Pampa, and he developed a very special passion about the where he was born.  The thing that I most admire in Rivera Letelier its his capacity to watch, analyze and to write about the Pampa´s life. He understand prety well the political and social history of that place and he writes beautifuls, intense and important books about it. Some books of his autorship: La Reina Isabel cantaba rancheras, El autodidacta, El fantasista, and one of my favorite books, Santa María de las Flores Negras.  He won a l