POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

Hello teacher and classmates. I hope you`re fine. Today I`m here to talk you about the changes that I wish to my Study Program, altough I think they`re not so many. I think that my Study Program it could be better, despite I didn`t have to much objections of it. Starting by the curriculum and the subjetcs to study, I think Economy`s subjetc could have less importance in the curriculum of first year. Instead, Human Rights could be a more important and fundamental subject in Journalism`s curriculum, at least at Universidad de Chile. Journalism its a job that its base are Human Rights, because we serve to protect, inform and to prevent to our people, and that job can be developed only in a country with solid and unquestionable fundamental rights. As Rodolfo Walsh said, "journalism its free or its a fake". About my workload and length of studies, I think unfortunately their always will be heavy and tiring at university, but definitely could be more organizated. As example, the university could arrange more distributed and equitable calendaries of evaluations. Hello miss and classmates. I hope you`re fine.

About faculty facilities, ICEI maybe could provide physical spaces to make study groups or open the library. And about the use of technology, I think the devices has worked pretty well, except a few microphones at hybrid classes. About teaching methods, I think that the most of my teachers are very professional journalist and very good teachers. 


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