
POST 8: English Language Challenges

Hello teacher and classmates. I hope you´re fine. I think this subject was really fun, pedagogical and important in my first year of university. The subject was structured in a very helpful and cozy way. The lessons were very precise in time and two lessons at week, I think, was a good choice to be constant. I like a lot this subject and I think miss Rosa was an excelent teacher and a great and warm person. About the blog, it was a good oportunity to reflect about things that you don't see if you don't stop to think and, also, to verbalize emotions and thoughts in english. It gave me the chance to develop a better use of the language and writting. I like the blogs and I´m gonna miss it.  I need to improve my  pronouncement and the capacity to speak in english, it have always be my weakness. In my daily routine I try to think in english for improve my spoken english and have better tools. I plan to improve this talking a lot in english and to interact with people that speak pret

POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

Hello teacher and classmates. I hope you`re fine. Today I`m here to talk you about the changes that I wish to my Study Program, altough I think they`re not so many. I think that my Study Program it could be better, despite I didn`t have to much objections of it. Starting by the curriculum and the subjetcs to study, I think Economy`s subjetc could have less importance in the curriculum of first year. Instead, Human Rights could be a more important and fundamental subject in Journalism`s curriculum, at least at Universidad de Chile. Journalism its a job that its base are Human Rights, because we serve to protect, inform and to prevent to our people, and that job can be developed only in a country with solid and unquestionable fundamental rights. As Rodolfo Walsh said, "journalism its free or its a fake". About my workload and length of studies, I think unfortunately their always will be heavy and tiring at university, but definitely could be more organizated. As example, the un

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future

Hello miss and classmates. In case I can predict my future, there some events that I prefer to ignore. I feel more affection to the past. But there are some things that I like to know about the future. I would like to travel one hundred years in the future, to see, feel, touch and know the destiny of humanity in case we don`t fight against climate change.  I think this opportunity would be very sad and painful, but necessary to reveal to the society and our leaders the importance of our collective decisions about ourselves and the living beings that surround us. I would like to travel to every single part of the world, precisely because there is not a single piece of this planet that escapes from the climate change.  I wouldn`t like to stay there, because I think that the existence of a future as a humanity depends only on the present decisions and behaviors as a society. In other words, I dont think that makes a lot of sense to live in a fragile and far future, because our current wor

POST 5: My Future Job

  In a couple of years, I imagine myself working in investigation journalism. I think it would be a wonderful and powerful job, because it could give me the chance to investigate political and social problems. I imagine this job as a very intense job, because investigate it implies to move, search and report a lot of peolple a places.  I think it would be an outdoors job, because making journalism from the desktop its not a good idea. The essence of journalism its to stay in the streets and searching the truth, not to write about the world from the bedroom. I like to travel a lot in this job, arount the world and Chile. Know other cultures, realities and histories. As one of my favorites reportes, Ryszard Kapuscinki, I`d like to travel and be in the tornado eye.  Also, I would love to complement my job with studies in sociology and history, to have a better perspective of the problems that I write and investigate. 

POST 4: My Favorite TV show

  My favorite TV show its Succession. This is a very intense and smart TV program, that talk us about Roy´s family. This family, and specially his patriarch, Logan Roy, its the owner of one the biggest communications consortium: WayStar Roico companys. The plot revolves around the fight for the "throne" between Logan's sons: , Shiv -his only daughter-, Roman, Connor and Kendall, the principal character of the show. My favorite episodes are the last two of the second season: "DC" and "This is not for tears". I love this show because I think its a perfect combination of drama, love, family and businnes. It show us a very particular face of the stereotype of powerful and millonaries families that own the principal mass media in the world and Chile. As the audience says, its a combination of Sheakespeare and Wall Street. 

POST 3: A person I would like to meet

  In my life, I would like to meet a lot of famous persons: writers, social fighters, poets and extensive list of etceteras. But there is one person that I considered very special in my life and for the chilean culture: Hernán Rivera Letelier.  Hernán Rivera Letelier its a chilean writer, born in the Pampa on the north of Chile. He lived his childhood surrounded of labor exploitation, poverty and her father´s hardwork example. In this epoch he learned about culture, people and history of the Pampa, and he developed a very special passion about the where he was born.  The thing that I most admire in Rivera Letelier its his capacity to watch, analyze and to write about the Pampa´s life. He understand prety well the political and social history of that place and he writes beautifuls, intense and important books about it. Some books of his autorship: La Reina Isabel cantaba rancheras, El autodidacta, El fantasista, and one of my favorite books, Santa María de las Flores Negras.  He won a l
  POST 2: Songs and Memories Hello teacher and classmates. I choose the song "My way", played by Frank Sinatra. This is a song that I love, because it takes me back trough the time when I listen it with my grandpa. We listen this and more song in his rural house, and we talk about his life, his memorys and more. He use to tell my that in his youth he listen and sing Sinatra´s songs. Also, I think that lyrics of this song are so symbolic about my grandfather´s life. He lived as the song says, at his way: with good moments, contradictions and happiness. Secondly, in the musical aspect, I think this song its so beautiful, sensitive and well composed. It has the capacity to resume an intense life in a few minutes.